Can I compost commercially compostable food packaging? (they say to be only compostable in commercial composting systems)

Can I compost commercially compostable food packaging? (they say to be only compostable in commercial composting systems)

Most compostable food packaging says - compostable in commercial composting systems.  These are different from normal household compost systems and Subpod systems.

The compostable food packaging that is only compostable in commercial composting systems requires too much heat for the Subpod.  

However, there are some new companies that claim that their packaging is compostable in home compost systems.  We have found a couple of green bags so far: the BloBag and Compost-A-Pak

These should be compostable in Subpod, but we are still in the process of testing these in our Subpods now.  Let us know if you find any other suitable companies/products, or how you go with composting packaging in your Subpod.