Can Subpod be used with black soldier larvae/fly? Last summer there were many black soldier larvae in my compost bin and the larvae were eating kitchen scraps very fast. The larvae disappear in winter but in spring they come back.

Can Subpod be used with black soldier larvae/fly? Last summer there were many black soldier larvae in my compost bin and the larvae were eating kitchen scraps very fast. The larvae disappear in winter but in spring they come back.

Black soldier fly larvae will eat kitchen scraps faster than compost worms, especially in hot weather.  In time, you can lose most or all of your compost worms and be deprived of getting good compost when the fly larvae are abundant.

A couple of suggestions to control your compost system/Subpod:
  1.  Use a Subpod to exclude the black soldier flies from getting in and laying their eggs in your compost system.
  2. Keep your waste covered as much as possible while you are collecting it, so the flies can’t lay eggs in it before it gets to your compost system.  You can use sealed compost bins/containers in your kitchen to seal your food scraps and keep out any unwanted pests.
  3. Pick out any larvae you see when adding the food waste to your Subpod/compost system.
  4. Keep your worm bedding a bit drier to favor worms over the soldier fly larvae by adding more dry carbon if the system gets a lot of wet kitchen waste.  Dry carbon includes: shredded newspaper, wood shavings, crushed dried leaves, or dried grass clippings.