Can Subpods keep bears and other animals out?

Can Subpods keep bears and other animals out?

The Subpod has been designed to keep out unwanted pests, rodents and large animals.  Subpod is an in-ground composting system that composts below the ground and has a built-in Airflow Panel that allows air to circulate throughout the Subpod.  The Airflow Panel has holes large enough to let air in, but keep out flies, cockroaches, rats, possums, dogs and even bears *yet to be tested with bears....we don't have them in Australia.  No kangaroos or sharks have got in yet though ;)  


Subpods come with a lockable built-in lid/seat that can hold 200 kilograms.  We believe that the strong lid, combined with the locking system should be able to keep out animals that try to get in. 

The other factor that should work against attracting pests, is the fact that Subpods are a no-smell system.  Due to the Airflow Panel and aeration that happens when you aerate your compost when you add waste to the Subpod, this creates an aerobic (oxygen rich) environment, which means no smells!  
To read more about smelly compost, and why Subpods are different, please look here:

When you add your waste to Subpod you will use an aerator to mix the waste through the system and aerate the system: