Have you had any Subpod installations at small breweries? Can you compost spent grains exclusively?

Have you had any Subpod installations at small breweries? Can you compost spent grains exclusively?

Composting spent grains exclusively will likely take a little experimentation with getting the ratio of grain to dry carbon right.  In our experience, a lot of grain can heat up a system from the fermentation process by microbes.  Adding enough moistened sawdust or wood shavings or moistened shredded coconut fiber to dilute out the rich food value of the grain and keeping spent grain from clumping and moulding would be important.  I would recommend testing some ratios of grain to added carbon until the system was not overly hot to find the right amounts of each.  

We would love to hear how you go with composting grains in Subpod.  It would be useful information to share with other brewers and post your experience on the Grow Hub: https://growhub.subpod.com/topics/876543 
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