Do you still need to chop everything up quite small for the worms to manage? Chop all the thick stems of cauliflower or broccoli, avocado skins etc! Crush eggshells? Leave out seeds?...

Do you still need to chop everything up quite small for the worms to manage? Chop all the thick stems of cauliflower or broccoli, avocado skins etc! Crush eggshells? Leave out seeds?...

You don’t need to chop everything up small for the worms.  Chopping simply speeds up the process so the food breaks down more quickly.  Composting will still take place in the warm, moist environment if you put in larger chunks. The worms will just wait until the microbes have softened up the more resistant pieces.   

Remember to use the aerator when you add food so larger food chunks are sent below the surface and break down rather than drying out.   

If it’s too much hassle to leave seeds out, that’s ok too.  Some seeds will sprout in the Subpod, but many will not, some of these will germinate later when you use the castings to fertilize your plants and you’ll just have a bit more weeding to do to pluck them out.  

With eggshells, a simple crushing to flatten is enough, over time, the pieces get smaller and eventually break down.