How can I incorporate Subpod into an urban environment?

How can I incorporate Subpod into an urban environment?

With Subpod you don’t need a lot of room to compost and grow fresh produce in your own backyard or balcony!  

The minimum garden area we would recommend placing your Subpod is 110cm/45 inches long by 80 cm/30 inches wide.  If you have a little more space, then 90 cm/3 feet wide by 1.5 meters/5 feet long will also provide some food growing space.

For smaller spaces we recommend placing Subpod in a raised garden bed just over 30cm /1-foot cm high, this will take about ¾ of a cubic metre/ 1 cubic yard of soil.

If your Subpod is draining into the soil around it - you will need to make sure that the area is substantial enough to drain the water and worm tea.  Otherwise, we recommend building a raised garden bed so that you can collect the worm tea.  The worm tea can then be used as a nitrogen-rich fertilizer on your other plants around your home.    

If you have a veranda or concrete space where you would like to put Subpod then you will need to find a garden bed that is suitable to use on your balcony.  

We will have garden beds suitable for balconies available in the future. You could pre-order a discounted Subpod now through or our webshop which will ship in April and order your garden bed later.  Or you could purchase one through a garden bed supplier now.   

We will provide instructions on how to adapt the Subpod for your raised garden bed.