How do I care for composting worms in extreme heat?

How do I care for composting worms in extreme heat?

Composting worms that fare the best in hot conditions are Esenia Fetidas (aka red wrigglers or red tigers).  Shade and maintaining a moist worm blanket are helpful.  I would also make sure the soil of the raised garden bed is moist if the Subpod is in a raised bed.  

Raised garden beds tend to be a bit warmer than in-ground soil, so, If these remedies don't work, an in-ground, shaded location will be a few degrees cooler than a raised garden bed. 

These are the steps to keep your worms happy during extreme heat:

1) Ensure you have Red Wrigglers (Esenia Fetida composting worms) which are best for hotter conditions - and also fare well when temperatures cool down.
2) Keep the Subpod, worm blanket and soil in the raised garden bed moist so that the microbes dependent on moisture are cared for as they support the worms too.
3) Cover the Subpod and garden bed in the vicinity of the Subpod with shade cloth that still allows airflow.
4) If your worms are not eating and you find them going deeper into the bedding and soil to escape the excess heat, try freezing water in small water bottles.  Keep them fully capped and tuck one or more frozen bottles into the Subpod bedding to provide a zone of coolness as the ice melts inside the bottle.  The worms will choose an optimal distance from the thawing bottles for comfort.  Continue replacing thawed with frozen bottles until the heatwave passes.