How do you prevent pathogenic anaerobes in a subterranean compost?

How do you prevent pathogenic anaerobes in a subterranean compost?

The Subpod drains excess liquid to the outside of the Subpod using all the wormholes in the Subpod.
There is also a slope at the bottom of the Subpod which drains excess liquid out through the worm tea outlet.
A suitable quantity of dry carbon should be added to the Subpod to control moisture levels and to optimise the compost.
If the Subpod is placed on a raised garden bed, you can choose well-draining soil to prevent the soil outside the Subpod from becoming anaerobic.
If the Subpod is to be dug into the ground rather than placed in a raised garden, it is important that the soil it goes into is well draining as well.
Because the worms move into that surrounding soil, they both aerate it and provide diverse microbes with their deposited castings.
It is important to maintain and develop the full biodiversity of the soil biota (soil life and fauna) which the Subpod vermiculture system does which prevents pathogenic bacteria from becoming a problem. 
The Subpod is designed to create an aerobic environment by having a built-in aeration panel, and also by using the compost aerator every time you add your waste to your Subpod.`

Individual Eisenia fetida earthworms secrete proteins and fluids which have antibacterial properties, potentially deterring soil pathogens.
They also secrete a yellow fluid to deter predatory flatworms.

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