How is the Subpod plumbed to collect worm tea/juice? How do we get the worm tea from the Subpod?

How is the Subpod plumbed to collect worm tea/juice? How do we get the worm tea from the Subpod?

Subpod can collect worm tea by funnelling it to the outlet located on the front of Subpod.  It is best to fit a tap at the end of your pipe so you can control the flow of worm tea/juice coming out. 


1. Align the Subpod worm tea outlet with where you would like your PVC pipe to stick out of your garden bed. Remember it’s important to have a slight downward slope to ensure all your worm juice can flow out.

The outlet on the garden bed needs to be lower than the outlet of the Subpod worm tea outlet.  This will create a downward slope for the worm tea to drain out.   

2. Drill a hole into your garden bed where the pipe will stick out.  

3. Insert a PVC pipe through the hole you just drilled and into the Subpod outlet. 

4. Optional - add a tap at the end of the PVC pipe so you can control the outflow of your worm juice.   

Your worm juice is alive with microbes and has a higher concentration of nitrogen than the castings so it makes a terrific fertilizer. 

To fertilize an existing garden or pot with worm tea:

dilute 100 ml of worm juice/tea with 10 liters of water for sensitive plants and foliar feeding (leaf feeding).

Dilute 100 ml of worm tea to 900 ml of water for heavier feeders and apply directly to the soil. 
