I’ve heard you shouldn’t compost onion and garlic. What about if it’s cooked into a meal? Or the skins?

I’ve heard you shouldn’t compost onion and garlic. What about if it’s cooked into a meal? Or the skins?

Onions, garlic and skins are fine in the Subpod.   At the start, when your Subpod system is beginning, you should only add small amounts.  
Over time you will be able to add more onions and garlic to your Subpod (after 4 months).  If the system is kept stirred and moist, the skins break down quickly.  
The design of Subpod allows the worms to distance themselves from any food they don’t like until it has been broken down by the microbes into a more palatable form. 
You can use the divider in the Subpod as a good resource to divide the onions, garlic and skins into one side, and allow the worms to move to the other side until the other side is more palatable for the worms.  If you keep rotating between the different sides of the divider when you add your food scraps - this will allow the worms to move to the other side.
The worms can also migrate out through the holes into the surrounding soil and hang with the plants until any strong oils or off gassing calms down.