What is the maximum garden area serviced by a single Subpod?

What is the maximum garden area serviced by a single Subpod?

There is no hard and fast rule for the size of the garden beds. For a single Subpod, if you would like the optimal level of nutrient-rich soil for your garden without the need for other external fertilizers, then the maximum garden bed size we recommend for one Subpod is about 4 feet/120 cm by 6 feet/180 cm.   Basically, if you have a large garden bed, it will take longer for the worms to spread out and enrich the surrounding soil or you have the option of adding an additional Subpod(s). The Subpods are modular and can be joined together. Or they can be spread out throughout your garden.

To speed up the process of getting the castings distributed throughout your whole garden bed, you can harvest the worm castings out of Subpod and sprinkle them throughout the garden bed and around individual plants, enriching the entire garden bed.