Why does my Subpod smell?

Why does my Subpod smell?

If your Subpod smells, it indicates that the food is rotting before the worms can eat it or there is not enough oxygen in the system.  Add carbon (shredded newspaper, coconut peat, wood shavings) each time you feed your Subpod together with a handful of biochar. 

The system requires the correct carbon to nitrogen ratios to be most effective. The ideal ratio for worm farms is 2:1 (Carbon: Nitrogen).  This is based more on volume rather than weight.  To make this simple: if Subpod starts to smell, it’s likely that there is too much nitrogen so you will need to balance it out with more carbon. If Subpod looks dry and there is minimal worm activity, add more nitrogen. 
Carbon waste is things like newspaper and cardboard.
Nitrogen sources are things like wet, high nutrient foods; lettuce and apples. 

Have you been using your aerator?  Each time you add your food waste make sure you use the compost aerator to mix the scaps thoroughly whilst also adding oxygen to the Subpod - creating an aerobic environment.