Won't there be some be anaerobic activity and won’t that produce odors?

Won't there be some be anaerobic activity and won’t that produce odors?

The Subpod is designed with large Airflow Panels around the top of the Subpod.  These areas allow airflow in the above-ground region of the chamber to maximize aerobic activity.

When new food waste is added and mixed in using the worm aerator, this brings the air (and importantly oxygen) down to the worms and bedding keeping the system from getting anaerobic/smelly.  Also, dry carbon-rich material is added when the food scraps are put into the system, this keeps the system from getting overly wet, and further maintains the pro aerobic conditions of the environment to minimize the generation of bad smells/anaerobic activity.

Please see this FAQ for more information about Subpod and it's aerobic activity: